06 October 2010

Let the baking commence!

So the other week I got bored. Card making became too tedious. Climbing too strenuous. Shopping too expensive. Facebooking and television too mind-numbing. So, I did what I do best and decided to launch a new hobby. While polling my ever-supportive husband, he promptly (and selflessly) suggested: "You should bake." Sounded like a good idea. I like sweets, and the pictures in my Barefoot Contessa book were pretty. So why not? I would bake and those around me would reap the benefits. Nevermind that I have my father's temper and even less of his patience. I was going to be a natural. I could feel it.

And so it began...I started baking...and JD started taking pictures. Then JD gave his second suggestion: "You should write a blog." Sounded like a good idea. A way for family to share in my triumphs, and inevitable disasters. So out of one hobby came another. With this post, I am not only a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed baker, but I am also officially a blogger.

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