29 August 2012

Oh Yeah, This Thing

So, it's 2:30am EST and I cannot sleep. Lying in a lodge bed at Cumberland Falls State Park, I decided to check out my Internet bookmarks. Sometimes you find lost treasures there...like my blog. It turns out that I have not posted anything since I moved to Louisville last June. It is not that I have not baked in that time--I am positive I made lemon bars once, and oh look! I found a picture of a Derby Pie I am pretty sure I baked for my mother's birthday:

It is just that there are a couple of things working against me now:

1) an electric oven/stove (sigh)
2) the absence of Eli
3) my new job keeping me away from home
4) my new co-workers being all "healthy" (where are my St. V's folks when I need them?)
5) a lack of desire to bake for all of the above-stated reasons.

However, after reading through all my old posts amidst sleep deprivation, I have become somewhat nostalgic and therefore am writing this post. There is a part of me that wants to make a bold sweeping promise of a baking resurrection.

I will refrain.

This may very well be the last post written for another year. There is a solid chance I will completely forget about the whole thing tomorrow morning, and during another sleepless night in the future will decide again to venture into my obviously useless Internet bookmarks, where I will see this blog and, annoyed, think to myself, "Ugh. Why does the Internet save everything?"