15 April 2011

Uneventful Brownie-Making

Let it be known (if it is not already obvious), that I have traded in baking-as-hobby for baking-as-necessity. So, when my friend Megan's wedding shower required me to contribute to the pitch-in, I called up my trusty baking assistant Eli and set to work on my first (and definitely not last, as I am making them again tonight) attempt at homemade brownies.

I took a chance on a recipe from food.com called "Whatever Floats Your Boat Brownies." It looked simple enough and the 1000+ reviews were all superlative. Plus, the ingredients were all mostly already in my kitchen. When Eli arrived with her brand-new adorable as all get-out apron (you're welcome, Eli) and the ever-important boxed red wine, we got baking. Eli, being a gimp, was surprisingly helpful at cleaning the baking tools...

 And removing egg shells from the cup of eggs she so expertly cracked...

We will blame the gimp hand.

Meanwhile, I measured and mixed...and mixed...and handed it over to Eli to mix...and then mixed some more.

And that is all she wrote.
Really, it was shockingly uneventful. Nothing went wrong. I did not mess up even once. I apologize.

Everything mixed evenly, fit exactly into the pan, and baked perfectly. The brownies were true to their reputation and turned out especially fudgy and gooey. Yum. They were a hit at home and at the shower. Other than the 20 grams of fat per serving (which is utterly amazing to me), they truly may be the perfect brownie. Plus, you can add whatever floats your boat!

Oh yeah, and JD made pizza. It was delicious too.

Lessons learned:
1) Brownies are easy to bake.